open-source·ing a university

For four years, an effort was made to transform Europe’s largest art and design university, the University of the Arts Berlin, from within, alongside the university's presidium, into a free and open-source-based digital communication infrastructure using the [matrix] protocol. This resulted in a vibrant popup lab and experimental space for public digital federated software developments.

attributable web

Driven by the developments within the medienhaus/ project, the concept of the 'semantic web' was revisited. Based on the [matrix] protocol, a prototype implementation of a semantic web is emerging, aiming to use federated technologies to break the power of platforms and interfaces.

e-waste reimagined

How do design processes of digitally enhanced technologies change in times of the climate crisis? Electronic components, typically newly procured depending on the product category, are understood nowdays as variables. But what happens if we consider them as fixed constants, as a limited resource? Based on existing e-waste, new constellations of electronic components can be consolidated in objects and reused, eliminating the need to dispose of them.

resisting architectures

The series "Resisting Architectures" explores enhancing kinesthetic resistance in human-object interactions with additional information layers based on the principle of gradually adjustable resistance, which subtly conveys changes in state, allowing users to receive information without interrupting the intended interaction. It resulted in five objects: door closer, door handle, sliding cart, rotary switch, and drawer.